How to Create a Sacred Space Where Magic Happens
If you are a seeker and don’t yet have a sacred space in your home then you are missing out on a piece of the puzzle towards living with more intention and meaning.
I’m going to explain here how to make your very own sacred space where your biggest aha’s can happen.
Claiming a space of my very own in my various homes has always been vital to me. I grew up in a large family, sharing a bedroom with my younger sister. We were very different, me quiet, introverted and neat, her, extroverted, rebellious, and messy. As you can imagine, we fought over how the room should be, while I deeply yearned for privacy. I eventually did get that space once my older sisters moved out and my younger sister moved into one of their rooms. I didn’t know it at the time, but I had created my own sanctuary there
As I grew through adulthood and moved from dwelling to dwelling, my sacred spaces changed and shifted along with me. Sometimes my space was simply a cushion and yoga mat crammed next to my bed in a very tiny bedroom. In my home where my husband and I mostly raised our three sons, it became our whole living room. Keeping it completely unfurnished allowed space for my first yoga “studio” and served as a multi-purpose room for expelling boy energy and hosting kids’ birthday parties. I think the two extreme energies in there brought a semblance of balance to the room. Even once we did furnish it, I left a long narrow space along one wall where I could at least keep my yoga mat rolled out and my small altar with one candle.
Six years ago we moved into our current home where I was determined to really claim some good amount of sacred space. Our octagon shaped sunroom was perfect. I could actually shut the doors and put all my sacred objects in one space. It took me some time to claim it within myself that this was my space and I deserved it, much less claim it to my husband and kids, even though my husband could very easily claim the study as his. But eventually, I found my voice and power to make it clear that this was my space.
It took many stumbling conversations with hubby on the importance of this for me.
Me, “Honey, I really need this space as my own”,
Hubby, “But the whole house is practically yours. All I get is the study”.
Me, “Yes, and you get to close the doors and not be bothered. I need that too.”
Hubby with pouty face, “What do you mean? You don’t want me around you?”
Me, “I just need an hour in the morning uninterrupted.”
I had to set boundaries with my whole family. I designated this as quiet space so quiet activities only and when mom is in there, no interrupting. And most of all, no one leaves their shit in there.
Now my space is truly sacred space which was no small victory. This space is surrounded by windows, letting in the warm sunshine. It’s just a couple chairs, an two-tiered end table serving as my altar, my two bookcases, some plants, and my cushion and yoga props. Simple and clutter free.
This is where I hold ritual and ceremony. I light my multiple candles. I smudge it often. I journal and write. I meditate and pray. I dance and emote. I set my intention for the day. I sit here on full moon nights, absorbing the glow of her moonbeams through me.
I have experienced big aha’s in this space. I grieved my dad here feeling held by his loving spirit. A couple weeks before his sudden death he had wandered into this space to have a close peek on his own for the first time, me just outside the window watching unbeknownst to him. What he was thinking, I have no idea, but I believe it’s why I can now feel him in there. I have released spirits up to the Light here.
I have daily received from my celestial guidance team here. My manifesting occurs here and it’s definitely where my magic happens. What makes the space so sacred is that I can sit in here and quite quickly tap into my guidance. It’s like the container is held for me and all I have to do is walk into it.
So, are you inspired now to create your own sacred space?
Here’s how…
1. Designate a space. It doesn’t need to be elaborate and certainly does not need to be a whole room. It can simply be a chair in a corner with a small side table or floor space, bedside. I have a space outside too in the woods I go to. Yours could be a patio in warmer months.
2. Clear the clutter. You do not want to have to move things in order to sit down each time. Remember clear space means clear mind. Only keep in the space what has meaning for you. If it brings you joy or calm or whatever you want from this space, then keep it. If it holds any negativity, like an object that was handed down to you by your mean old aunt, then out it goes. Be selective about what stays. Think about other sacred spaces you’ve been to like churches and temples.
3. Find an altar space. Any flat surface will do, such as a table, a shelf, even a drawer if you have little ones who like to snatch.
4. Create your altar. Spread a cloth or special scarf over the top. Adding a candle is most important and for years this was all I had. Gather your special objects like crystals, stones, figurines, photos of loved ones or your deity, natural items, anything really that has meaning for you. Get creative. Make it beautiful. Add fresh flowers. Let it evolve over time and change it up from time to time or with each season. As you grow, so too shall your altar.
5. Set your boundaries. Communicate with your household about what is permissible or not, about expectations and needs. Communicate clearly about the importance of this space for you.
6. Set your intention for this space. What do you wish this space to provide for you? How do you want it to feel? Be specific and write it down. Remember a room has an energy and you have the power to shapeshift it. Where your intention goes, energy flows. Place your intention into a crystal by holding it to your heart as you speak it and feel it. Then place the crystal on your altar.
7. Decide what you will do in this space? Will you read, pray, perform a ritual even as simple as lighting a candle, meditate, journal, create, dance, relax, yoga? All of the above? I keep a shawl just to wrap myself in for this space alone, so it helps me get into calm I need.
8. Clear and bless the space through smudging, opening windows, and spritzing with essential oils.
9. Invoke or consecrate your space. This means to call in the energy that you wish to fill the space. Ask your celestial guidance team, Spirit, your Higher Power to come forth bringing the energy you wish to be there, such as healing, love, peace.
10. Let the magic happen! Whatever is happening in your outer world, this is your sanctuary where you can step into and immediately tap into your inner world for whatever you need and desire, be it clarity, calm, centeredness, insight, guidance, and more.
Have fun with this process and let each step evolve over time.
A book I recommend for learning more is Sacred Space by Denise Linn.
Please join us in the comments below on what sacred space means for you and how your own creation of sacred space is going.
I love to create and hold sacred space for circles of women. In fact, I offer a program that helps women make big shifts and experience big aha’s and I believe much of it has to do with the sacred container where the inner work is done. Won’t you join me at Nourishing Journey in Columbia for my 7-week program, “Shifting from Good Girl to Awakened Goddess” beginning April 24th. Find more at or e-mail me