Don’t Think You’re a Healer? Think Again!
What I’ve come to believe is that not only am I a healer, but we can all be healers. You might even be one yourself and not even know it, not yet anyway. After reading this you might reconsider.
It took me a long time to feel right about calling myself a healer, much less claiming it to myself and others. I’ve been in the Reiki profession for several years. I have called myself Reiki Master Teacher or Reiki Practitioner but “healer”? Healer has so much weight to it and who am I to call myself “healer”? “I’m not qualified or experienced enough or even intuitive enough”, I told myself. “Now, Jesus, he was a healer and John of God, he’s a modern-day healer.”
What if we all could be healers? Can you imagine the world we would live in then?
You’re a healer if…
You spread more love than fear.
You’re able to see wholeness, not just what is broken.
You help others see or feel their true selves, their greatness, their goodness.
You inspire others out of their darkness through your own healing story.
You help lift others up by seeing the potential of what is possible.
You aid others with their physical, mental, emotional, or energy health.
You do what you can to live in high vibration, and not bring others down.
You help others live with more balance or ease whether actively or by example.
You are devoted to nurturing yourself and others back to wholeness.
The name of my business is Open Heart Healing. If I can call what I do healing work, then it would only make sense to call myself a healer. It’s like calling someone who teaches, a teacher or does public speaking, a speaker. So why not call myself a healer?
I don’t perform miracles in the typical way most of us view it, but I sure do hold space for others to create their own little and big everyday miracles. Furthermore, Reiki relaxes a person to such a deep level that the body’s own natural ability to heal itself is jump-started.
Healing is not done just by doctors and nurses. Artists and writers are healers. Mothers and midwives are healers. Managers and musicians are healers. And yes, Reiki practitioners and massage therapists are healers.
According to Webster’s dictionary healing is defined as “to become sound or healthy” or “to alleviate a person’s distress or anguish”. Isn’t this what most of us crave and seek out from a variety of people?
If you’re an artist, inspiring others to feel their emotions, you’re a healer. If your spoken or written words awaken a long ago buried desire in another, then you’re a healer. If you’re a school teacher who really sees and honors the uniqueness in each of your students, then you’re a healer.
Whatever your profession, It’s time to claim yourself as a healer!
So whether you’re a mother unconditionally loving your special needs child or a friend supporting your bestie through heartbreak, you’re a healer.
Whether you’re a sports coach cheering on your player with low self-esteem or a counselor helping a student stand up to the painful words of her peers, you’re a healer.
Whether you’re an activist standing up for social justice or a gardener tending plants and bugs with loving-care, you’re a healer.
Whether you’re a life coach empowering a client to find her voice or a therapist actively listening as a client shares a painful trauma, you’re a healer.
Whether you’re healing through your hands, your words, your paintbrush, your voice, your instrument, or even your smile, your healing is legit and valid.
As you can see healing comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. Healing can be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual or energetic and each is equally important for our wholeness.
It’s no secret that our planet and its inhabitants are gravely suffering. Healing should not be limited to a select few with advanced medical degrees or high psychic ability. Healing is open to all who hold the intention to make the world a better place for everyone to inhabit. The world needs all the healers it can get and it starts with you.
I love that the Dalai Lama says, “The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kind.”
It begins with you claiming yourself as a healer, then believing in your own healing abilities.
You are a healer!
Now claim it!
Honor it!
Believe it!
Contact healer Karen to schedule your complimentary coaching and Reiki session and discover how she can help you to heal and maybe even help you believe in yourself as a healer.
Remember the truth of who you are beyond your roles as mom, caregiver, grandmother, wife, employee or boss with Karen of Open Heart Healing as your guide. Whether it’s in a private life coaching and Reiki session or sitting in sacred circle with other spirited women, Karen will hold the space you need to heal, awakening your intuitive powers, connecting to your whole self, and creating from the inside-out the life you desire and deserve. You can find her at