Dare to Go Outside the Lines
What possibly could coloring, a popular hobby for many, teach us about ourselves?
For me it transpired from a tense experience into something that freed me into being more of my unique self, no lines needed. You were probably told as a young child to “stay in the lines” while coloring. Well, so what if we didn’t?
I have a soul sister who loves to color and for whom coloring has become her medium for creativity. It’s also a meditative practice for her where she receives much inner wisdom.
So I thought I would give this popular activity a try, something that I remember loving to do as a kid. I gathered a bunch of appealing coloring books and my favorite colored pencils. After several attempts over several months I had to admit to her that coloring actually stressed me out.
I could feel the tension growing in my body while coloring rather than entering into a relaxed place as I had expected. This surprised me. I have no trouble sitting on my cushion for long periods in meditation.
If the claims were right, that coloring is meditative, why wasn’t I entering a state of bliss here too?
What became immediately clear as we talked was that trying to stay within the lines was causing me tension and anxiety. So then I played with purposely coloring outside the lines.
Boy, was that hard… to give myself permission to not worry about staying in the lines.
I could hear the voice within me saying this was wrong. What would others think?
This isn’t right.
I’m messing this up.
It’s not perfect.
It’s not good enough.
Others will judge me if they see it.
You must stay within the lines.
Who did not hear some form of these messages from well-meaning adults or siblings/peers as kids?
I just had to keep telling myself that this was okay and keep at it, keep coloring, keep telling myself it was really okay if I went outside the lines. I tapped into my little girl and let her be heard. Who knew?
After being with this tension and my thoughts, eventually I was set free. I found myself suddenly coloring in a relaxed state. I could go outside the lines and the picture was still good enough…good enough for me and that’s what mattered. In fact better than good enough…it became a unique expression rather than an imposed design from others.
And you know what? When all was done it didn’t look that bad. I know what you’re thinking…it was just a coloring page.
But it was so much more than a coloring page. It was self-discovery. It was re-wiring my thinking from one of critic and self-imposed boundary making to freedom and self-expression.
I needed to go outside the lines like I need to breathe fresh air. For this freedom could reach beyond coloring and free me in all areas of my life.
All the containers of old conditioning could simply dissolve.
All the boxes of conformity could collapse.
All the walls of defenses could come crumbling down.
All the shackles of perfection could unlock.
All the veils that hide my true self could be lifted.
My creative energy could flow readily, not caring what others thought.
My unique path, different from anyone else’s could unfold before me.
I could just be me.
No small feat! I am so excited to see where this new found freedom will lead.
What would it be like to live outside the lines for you?
What unexpected things could you do?
I’m still not sure how much coloring I’ll be doing in the future but I do know when I step out of my own way, anything is possible, especially the unexpected.
Attend one of my Sacred Circles and you could easily surprise yourself at new self-discoveries made, new freedoms felt as you unbind yourself and uncover your true self.
Karen is a professional coach and expert healer with 15 years of experience teaching Reiki, yoga and meditation. Her Sacred Circles help women awaken to who they truly are with rich and transforming processes and tools. Being a lifetime seeker herself, she’s able to help you dig deep into your body and soul, inspiring you to uncover your intuitive powers and live a life you love. You can find her at: www.OpenHeartMaryland.com.