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Befriend Your Wise Self

Karen Tasto


I was recently at the cabin in the mountains I go to twice annually for my private retreat time. I’m alone, mostly unplugged. In silence. In nature. In flow. I started carving out this time several years ago when no organized retreat was feeding my soul and when I was starting to claim my introverted self while living in a busy household.

This has become for me sacred, treasured time where I’m most able to connect deeply to my wise self. This is where I can most hear the whisperings of my soul. I’ve experienced spiritual awakenings here, aha insights, new discoveries about myself, clarity on my next steps.

I find my wise self here but I also find her in my everyday ordinary life. You don’t need designated time to connect with her.

So where is your wise self?

You’re not going to find her on TV, in your news feed or in a crowded mall. She’s typically not at a social gathering or even in your best friend, as much as she wants to help you.

Where you will find her is in those moments when you find yourself alone, maybe in your car or in the shower. You can hear her just upon waking up in the morning in that still dreamy state.

She’s the flashes and gentle nudges you constantly receive. You can touch upon her while engaged with all your senses in your favorite activity or on your yoga mat or your meditation cushion.

You may hear her in the trees, under the moon, or by the sea. You’ll also find her where you least expect and she will most certainly catch you off guard, coaxing you away from potential harm.

She’s lingering in your bathroom mirror ready to catch your eyes, the windows to your soul, searing you with a truth you’ve been so long denying. For she can’t stay hidden forever. She will find a way to reach you, even if she has to take you to rock-bottom to get you to pay attention. But she will eventually coax you into seeing her, to listening to her, to trusting her.

Your wise self is waiting.

She’s really not that hard to reach — it’s simple really. Just put down your gadgets, turn off the noise, grow still, breathe — and there she is.

She’d love to help you. Ask her anything and everything, big and small.

Is this job really for me? Am I to spend the rest of my life with this person? What am I ready to let go of. What does my body need right now? What is this pain about? What do I want to really do today? Does this situation feel right?

She is you and you are she. Sometimes you both just don’t cross paths. But in a flash there she is again like bumping into a long lost friend in the grocery aisles, meeting eyes, an embrace, relating like no time has passed.

When you do meet up, trust her, and she will not lead you astray. For she is your innate wisdom, your intuition, your higher self, that still, small voice within you. She is your body’s deepest knowings. She reveals the whisperings of your soul.

She may guide you to strange places, where you wonder, how did I get here? She may stretch you into doing what you fear most.

Your mind, your ego will battle her with the weapons of doubt, dismissal and mistrust. Ego wants to still lay claim to it’s longstanding place. With practice, you’ll discern when ego is speaking and wise self will speak louder.

Eventually, you will sync up and one day you’ll wake up and realize you’re living in flow, from soul — you’ve come home to your soul — all thanks to your wonderful wise self!

I would love to guide you into knowing your own wise self better. Schedule your complimentary life coaching session today by e-mail or phone.

Karen works as a professional life coach, Reiki master/teacher, & sacred circle facilitator. She also teaches workshops and leads retreats. Her spiritually-based life coaching helps women awaken to the power within so they can live authentically & confidently. She has been leading sacred circles for several years & her Women Healing Women is her signature offering. Contact her at karen@OpenHeartMaryland or 301–646–4385 for more info.



Karen Tasto
Karen Tasto

Written by Karen Tasto

Karen empowers women to stretch, grow and expand into the fullest expressions of themselves. She helps them feel and claim the truths of their bodies & hearts.

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