6 Steps to Mastering the Art of Receiving
Tis the season of giving!
As we focus at this time of year on what we’re giving to others we might also consider just as importantly how we’re receiving. Here I share with you my own steps to receiving, not just graciously as your mother taught you but also in a way that fills your own tank.
When my sons were young and they were on the receiving end on say their birthday or Christmas I remained vigilant that they learn how to receive gifts. This meant taking time to open the present and card and making eye contact with the giver while saying a clear “thank you”. Of course, mistakes were made such as the innocent and honest blurt, “But Mom, I already have two of these!”. Yet for the most part the basics were mastered.
What I didn’t teach them early on and what took me more than 40 years to learn was how to receive in a way that not only makes the giver feel good but that fills me, the receiver as well. For giving and receiving are really exchanges of energy so when someone gives something to someone else the giver and receiver are ideally exchanging energy in equilibrium.
Of course, in reality when we’re on the receiving end, we are typically projecting and questioning intent or we’re feeling guilty or dismissive of ourselves. We don’t really allow ourselves to feel the love, admiration or appreciation behind the gift or praise. Therefore the flow of energy gets blocked and both sides are left feeling empty or even resentful.
So the next time you’re on the receiving end, whether a gift or a compliment, just notice not so much what you receive but how you receive?
To help you thrive this holiday season and any time of year here are my…
Six Steps to Mastering the Art of Receiving
1. When offered a present or compliment, pause for a moment to drop awareness into your body, take a deep breath and breathe in any warm feelings being offered from the giver.
2. Picture the energy of giving/receiving as light radiating out from the one giving and into your heart, the receiver. Invite your heart to open, letting in this light. Picture the light weaving back and forth and encircling both of you.
3. Accept the heart of the gift even if it doesn’t meet your expectations. Remember what your mother used to tell you, “It’s the thought that counts”.
4. Allow yourself to really receive on a deep level, letting go of any feelings of unworthiness or not deserving. Feel sensations in the body.
5. Let go of feeling the need to reciprocate and and absolutely any guilt which is very low, heavy energy. When given praise we often dismiss the compliment by turning it around to the other person with praise for him or her or by diminishing the praise with a statement like, “Oh, this old thing!”. Simply accept and hold!
6. When the exchange feels complete, take one more deep breath so the energy seeps even deeper and longer lasting.
Please remember this is a practice which means you won’t get it right every time so be patient and gentle with yourself. The more we allow ourselves to truly receive in a way that fills, whether it’s from a friend, a family member, a stranger or even the Divine, we begin to see that it’s all the same- this giving and receiving- we’re all connected, we’re all energy, we’re all One!
Check out my Women Healing Women Program live and in person in the DC area for real time guidance and practice in receiving from your fellow sisters.
Karen works as a professional life coach, Reiki master/teacher, & sacred circle facilitator. She also teaches workshops and leads retreats. Her spiritually-based life coaching helps women awaken to the power within so they can live authentically & confidently. She has been leading sacred circles for several years & her Women Healing Women Program is her signature offering. Contact her at karen@OpenHeartMaryland or 301–646–4385 for more info.